Memory Forensics Baselines


  • Baselining involves comparing memory from a known good configuration with potentially compromised system memory

  • When a user reports a system issue, acquire the memory of the compromised system and compare it with memory of a golden image of your enterprise’s workstation


processbl compares the running processes in 2 memory images - can be used to detect newly started processes - can be used to detect newly loaded DLLs

servicesbl compares the services in 2 memory images - can be used to detect modification of service configuration - can be used to detect newly installed services

driverbl compares the kernel drivers in 2 memory images - can be used to detect newly installed / loaded drivers


./ -f ./infected.raw --profile Win10x64_15063 {plugin} -B clean.raw -U 2>/dev/null

-B to specify the Baseline image -U to display the processes and dlls that cannot be found in the baseline image

  • Immediately you can see some processes that don’t look right, like svchost.exe without a parent of services.exe

  • Further analyze by using pslist and grep for those PIDs

  • Use malfind and see if those potentially malicious PIDs are detected by this plugin (might also contain false positives)

  • Dump those PIDs using procdump and use shasum to find the hashes and look for matches in Virustotal.

Last updated